Food Establishment Inspection Reports
Lewis & Clark Public Health Department conducts annual inspections of food establishments in Lewis & Clark County. While these reports have always been available to the public at 1930 9th Avenue, our new computerized inspection system now allows internet access to reports dating from May 3, 2012 to present.
As you search, please note the following:
Keep in mind that an inspection is only a “snapshot”. Using a single inspection, or the number of violations cited, will not accurately reflect the food safety practices of the establishment. Looking at several reports over time better reflects how an establishment operates.
Our inspectors conduct “risk-based” inspections when visiting food service establishments. This means inspectors focus on problems most likely to cause foodborne illness, food contamination, or injury. These deficiencies, or Critical Violations, include but are not limited to the following:
• inadequate cooking or holding temperatures,
• poor personal hygiene and handling,
• unsafe food sources,
• improper cleaning and sanitizing
• and cross-contamination.
Inspectors may also note Non-Critical Violations during the inspection. These violations, while often facility-based or indirectly related to food safety, can lead to critical issues in the establishment.
If you would like to see more details about any of the establishments or would like to view inspection reports prior to May 3, 2012, please Email us at or call 447-8361 to make an appointment. |
If you do not know the entire name of the Facility or Street you want to search for, you may use wildcard characters:
Tip: Wildcard Characters
An asterisk (*) represents any group of letters, either in front of or following the characters you enter.
For example, *vern* finds Facility with names such as "The Big Tavern" & "Vern's Diner", because the Facility name includes a word containing "vern". If you only use an * in front of or after the characters you enter, then it will only find words where the characters you enter are proceeded or followed by other characters.
For more accurate searching, question marks (?) represent single letters.
For example, entering ?one finds words such as tone & gone; in this case, four-letter words ending with 'one'. If you type ??one, you would find phone, which has 2 letters proceeding "one".